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2013 07-26 d d jab live band 06

5 x 7 sized prints
A very nice 5 x 7 print for your night stand, coffee table or for your desk at work.  $8.00
Standard 8 x 10 sized prints
These prints will have a white border around the entire 8 x 10 print.  $16.00
Regular Size Print File
This file contains a regular size print file. The quality is much better than the web size file proof and it does not have Cerimele Photography copyright on the file. You will be permitted to print this photo, but are not able to sell reproductions or use it for any commercial purpose. Printable quality up to an 8x10 size. You must obtain authorization from the photographer for his copyright release to do so.  $25.00
Regular size proof file
This file contains a proof with a copyright and is only regular size file for your computer to share. The quality is much better than the web size file. You will be permitted to print this photo, but are not able to sell reproductions or use it for any commercial purpose. You must obtain authorization from the photographer for his copyright release to do so.  $2.00
Websize proof file
This file contains a proof with a copyright and is only websize file for your computer to share. You will be permitted to print this photo, but are not able to sell reproductions. You must obtain authorization from the photographer for his copyright release to do so.  $1.00